Staffordshire Mammal Group to partner with Burslem Port Trust for wildlife event
The Burslem Port Trust are partnering with the Staffordshire Mammal Group for a wildlife walk event on Sunday 21 November 2021, in which they will start the process of identifying the variety of mammal species on the site of the disused Burslem Branch Canal.
Derek Crawley, chair of the Staffordshire Mammal Group, plus colleagues, will co-lead the walk from 1pm starting at the footbridge at the bottom of Angels Way, then taking in a circular route which will explore the habitats within the diverse urban landscape of the former canal.
The Staffordshire Mammal Group will set up a series of small mammal survey stations which will be suitable for both children and adults on the day. They will also be looking for tracks and signs of mammal activity on site.
Derek Crawley said: “We are really looking forward to exploring the disused Burslem Branch Canal site for this exciting November event. The Staffordshire Mammal Group regularly survey other parts of Staffordshire with the aim of sharing knowledge and promoting the study of mammals and recording species in Staffordshire. We were delighted to have been approached by the Burslem Port Trust to start in the process of identifying and recording species on this urban site, and look forward to sharing our findings and results with the local community.”
The Burslem Port Trust have also asked that anyone else with expertise or enthusiasm in ecology or biodiversity, to contact them ahead of the walk if they would like to help identify species.
For those who have interest or experience in biodiversity or ecology and would like to
get involved, please get in touch via – READ MORE HERE
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