Lesiure Discount Scheme for Armed Forces Personel being considered
Plans to introduce a leisure discount card scheme for armed forces personnel are being discussed by Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council.
Cabinet is considering providing free and discounted access to facilities at Jubilee2 for serving and retired officers, as well as reservists, as part of its commitment to upholding the key principles of the Armed Forces Covenant.
A leisure pass was one of the recommendations in a recent supported motion calling for the Council to reaffirm its commitment to the covenant, a “promise by the nation that those who serve or have served in the Armed Forces, and their families, are treated fairly.” The covenant was first adopted by the Council in 2012.
The proposals include complimentary use of the fitness centre and swimming pools for serving personnel and reservists once registered for a free Lyme card, a free 12-month membership within 12 months of discharge for anyone who has left any of the three armed services and where discharge was longer than 12 months ago, membership at the Council’s corporate discount rate.
Council Leader Simon Tagg said: “The Council has committed to adopting the Armed Forces Covenant, providing free or discounted access to sports and leisure facilities in Newcastle makes a positive contribution to that. No member of the Armed Forces Community should face disadvantage in the provision of public and commercial services compared to any other citizen and in some circumstances, special treatment is appropriate especially for the injured or bereaved. This scheme proposes a package of measures designed to help serving and retired personnel remain fit and active. It would be a small token of our appreciation to the men and women – past and present – who have given or continue to give their all for our country.”