Stoke A Love Story Review
Stoke A Love Story – a story everyone will want to know…
Potboiler Theatre present shows in unexpected places throughout Stoke-on-Trent..and this show was certainly presented in an unexpected place – a chapel in Longton which dates back to 1842.
When entering Longton Methodist Central Hall, posters of Stoke A Love Story immediately capture the attention. When inside – the chapel itself offered a magnificent setting with a live band sat in a far corner.
The lighting was apt and the sound effects which accompanied this detailed and creative story about Stoke-on-Trent worked superbly.
As characters Peter, Kaz, Eddie, Lena and Jan battled against a thick “smog” which had descended on their City, the audience was invited to reminisce about the good times – and the bad – as the story unfolded.
Experiences of relationships were shared and emotions were explored as the tangling “smog” web took the characters on a journey across the six towns.
Highlights involved Central Forest Park, a barge ride along the Trent and Mersey Canal, Bingo at Cheapside and a humorous scene inside The Potter pub in Fenton where Eddie’s football hooligan side also came to light by the convincing Harry Mace.
A trip to a popular Northern Soul night at the Kings Hall, in Stoke and raving during the 1990’s rave culture were all captured superbly by Lena (Steph Reynolds) and Kaz (Sophia Hatfield.)
David Bowen played Eddie’s grandfather Peter in true fashion and Fiona Whitelaw was an utter delight to watch as Jan.
Stoke A Love Story is a show which not only reminds you of the history of a City known, not just for it’s pottery, but also addresses important relevant issues of today and directs you onwards for a future full of aspirations and success.
Nothing can be taken away from this show by Potboiler Theatre, fantastically written by the super talented Kat Boon and masterfully directed by Kat Hughes.
Mention must be made to the live band whose music worked so well along with the lighting and set.
Stoke A Love Story – go along and be reminded of the place you call HOME!
Stoke A Love Story runs until Saturday 28 September. For more details click here.