Magical Lantern Procession for Newcastle-under-Lyme
Following the success of the 2021 event, local arts company B arts are working with Newcastle -under-Lyme BID, Amity Hub and local families to light up Newcastle Town Centre on Saturday 3rd December at 5pm.
Newcastle Lantern Parade is a magical mid-winter experience in which people process through the town carrying their hand made lanterns, accompanied by a live band. The procession also features special sculptural illuminated works all following the theme, which this year is “Seas of Change.”
Funded by the National Lottery Community Fund, Newcastle Lantern Parade supports the development of creative and event skills for young people at Amity Hub and provides opportunity for them to interact with the public and be a valued part of the local community to which they have recently arrived.
Those involved in the project will deliver, alongside professional producers, free lantern making sessions in Newcastle-under-Lyme throughout November that will culminate in the final procession through the town centre on the 3rd December.
Lantern procession Lead Artist Richard Redwin says: “We wanted to pick a theme that could be fun and serious at the same time- so some people are making fantastic sea creatures and other people have been thinking about the way the climate is changing and is affecting us right now.”
Newcastle-under-Lyme BID Manager Charl Pearce said: “We’re thrilled to be bringing the lantern parade back to the town centre for another year and to partner with B Arts , Amity Hub and its members. The vision is that by helping to run workshops and the procession the young people get to use their creative skills to connect with the local community. We hope that being involved in the event will overcome their isolation and build their confidence in the Town Centre as a safe space. We’re excited to see the community of all ages come together, learn a new skill and fill Newcastle-under-Lyme with light.”
The final free lantern workshop The Christmas Light Switch On on 27th November. Workshops are open to all.
If you would like to get involved or volunteer please check B arts social media or email and mark the email N-U-L LANTERNS
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