City Council launch enterprise spaces to help start-up businesses
Enterprise spaces have been launched to support businesses in Stoke-on-Trent…
A number of City Council led projects – aimed to specifically aid small and start-up enterprises – sees the creation of one of 5 enterprise spaces across the City.
Two enterprise schemes are now open for business at Smithfield Works and Clayworks in the City Centre, which were delivered by GenR8, the council’s partner in the Powering Up Enterprise programme. The three Council led projects at Swann House in Stoke, will be followed by other projects at Spode and Longton.
The Swann House Enterprise Hub will create modern and versatile office space on flexible terms from a single desk space to an office suite. Co-working space is promoted thereby encouraging collaboration on specific projects or the development of new business ideas.
This type of new working environment will provide new opportunities for start-up businesses within the City.
Councillor Daniel Jellyman, cabinet member for regeneration, infrastructure and heritage has said: “Our ambition is to ensure that businesses that locate in Swann house will have easy access to business support and advice to address any barriers they have to growth and job creation. Part of our efforts as a City Council is to get more businesses into the centre of Stoke to help boost footfall onto the High Street.”
The project is planned to deliver:
750 sq m of New Enterprise floorspace
Circa 16 business start ups
Create over 80 jobs
Practical completion date – 22 August 2022
The project has been supported both by the City Council and the Governments Get Building Fund which was launched back in late 2020 and overseen by the Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Local Enterprise Partnership.
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