Aching Arms
Aching Arms is a baby loss charity run by a group of bereaved mothers who have experienced the pain and emptiness of leaving hospital without their baby.
The aim of the charity, which was founded in 2010, is to raise awareness of the impact of pregnancy and baby loss and bring some comfort to bereaved parents and their families after the loss of a baby. Aching Arms bears are provided to more than 80 UK hospitals for midwives to give out and more than 5,000 have been handed out.
The charity is run by a Board of Trustees and since October 2014, a team of dedicated volunteers have posted bears directly to bereaved families and a network of enthusiastic volunteers across the UK ensure the charity can continue to offer comfort after pregnancy and baby loss by helping prepare bears to go to hospitals around the country.
For more information click Aching Arms
**Also see Jason and Tracy Bould’s story on Baba.**